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Visual effects:

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trade off:

Whilst editing Trade Off I developed my visual effects skills in composition within After Effects. I also utilised the dynamic link between Premiere Pro - After Effects - Audition. I also found new techniques and workflows for creating the sound design of visual effects.


The action VFX used here are ones which I have practiced in previous short film projects I have made since I started from a very young age of six years old. I also conducted extensive research into how to be an effective visual effects artist on sites such as YouTube.


During the production stages of In-Sight markers for desks, lights, cameras, set design and more had to remain on the floor at all times. This meant that the techniques of invisible visual effects through the means of content removal in photoshop - Premiere - After effects. This removed the unwanted markers from the shot and creates the Illusion of a police waiting room for the audience.


Spot the Difference VFX Removal.png
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