Photoshop and Poster design
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Solstice energy:
As part of a commission through Creative and Digital Media coursework I responded by creating a campaign of posters to advertise the brand and products of Solstice. These posters/posts were part of a multi media campaign and are coherent with the video advertisement for the same brand. Through this I increased my understanding of graphic design and marketing by researching competitors resources and developing detailed posters myself. I received a distinction in this unit of coursework.
PArody Poster:
In-sight posts
I created a parody poster for the film Blade Runner 2049 in photoshop. I was determined to improve me photo editing and composition skills. To do this I took original images of two models and composed them into two completely different edited environments. I also structured the poster in a professional format with the relevant information regarding the release dates and the crew involved. Including actors names as well. I did extensive research in the form of hours of tutorials and educational resources regarding photoshop in order to create this final result. If I had the opportunity to go back and change this poster I believe I would have added a third composition at the bottom and changed the font of the actors names text. However I did achieve a distinction in this unit of coursework.
Working on the In-Sight social media team meant I helped create a variety of image posts as well as videos. This was a collaborative operation with talented Actors and Marketers Charlotte Fenton and Elliot Francis. The team researched some of the most popular film pages on Instagram and Facebook to see what the successful competition were posting. For example the color pallet image you see above which demonstrates the director's and costume designer's attention to detail when it came to color psychology and the film. (Ella Varlin, Esme Seber, Arjun Pala)